The Re-Build: Lego Question Box 

With SketchyGuyNV and B.C.Morin. Talking about creating comics and novels. and the occasional lego.

7/12-7/13 - Silverage Comic-Con - RENO, NV - CONFIRMED

Very excited to announce that we will be at Silverage this year. Also, one of the giveaways at the door will be a newly designed poster from yours truly!

Come visit me and my friends in Reno!!!

8/8-8/9 - Elko Pop-Con - ELKO, NV - PENDING

8/23-8/24 - Tahoe Comic Con - STATE LINE, NV  - CONFIRMED


7/13-7/14 - Silverage Comic-Con - RENO, NV 

This year at Silverage the first 100 people at the doors each day get a poster designed by yours truly. 

Very exciting as this is the first time they allowed a vendor to contribute art for a gate giveaway!

Come visit me and my friends in Reno!!!

8/9-8/10 - Elko Pop-Con - ELKO, NV

I will be tabling and paneling at the ELKO POP-CON for the second year! I have made some special 

"ELKO POP" caps in the style of Nuka Cola caps just for the event! I will also be joined on the Indie Comics Panel by Jonathan "Professor G", Nate "Gage the Wolf", Robert "Poison" Gift, Robert "Sandstorm" Tweedy, and possibly by the creator of the "JOAN" comic book series, Steven Yu! 

9/14-9/15 - Tahoe Comic Con - STATE LINE, NV 


2/28 - Inside the Booth - ReView Geek Show - Hosted by Dan "theLaw" Arena. featuring Josh "The Maker, Tony "Docking Bay 327", Richard "Rogue Two", Dennis "Black Market Outpost" and ME!  

7/08 - Silverage Comic-Con  - My first Comic-Con! The Silver Age Comic Con on July 8, 2023, in the RENO-SPARKS Convention Center with the Independant Creator Underlords! The underlords of ICU  got to spend the day talking to fans about current and upcoming projects! We also gave away prizes in an hourly raffle! Thank you all for coming out!

8/18 - 8/19 - Elko Pop Con - Artist Alley and Panelist!


1/10 - FabWorks Live - First time Sketching on a Live-Stream!!! 

3/14 - FabWorks Live - First time Sketchy and Professor G on a Live Stream!!!

7/18 - FabWorks Live  - FabWorks Makers Challenge Makers project review

10/17 - FabWorks Live - Halloween Special with Sisters Wolf leading stars Carissa Thompson, Barbie Morin and special guest and professional animator  Seth Hippen 


Almost Star Wars Show

August 21, 2021 - I get to hang with the guys! We talk about sketchy stuff on this one and get some global insight from over the pond!!! Thank you Ron "CG-Rtist", Dennis "Black Market Outpost" and of course James "Rebel Base Build"!

This is the first known interview of SGN...Prove me wrong!

Local News Coverage of Comic Book Release


Great supporters of SGN and even better friends, Aedo and Whitey from FabWorks LIVE have had me on their show a few times! Episode 2 features the first time SGN EVER draws on a YouTube show LIVE!!!!

We even get to meet Professor G on a live show on the 6th Episode!!!


ReView Geek-Show

Inter-Reviews are cool! I didn't get a chance to be asked questions by the dish-washing-Canadian-ghost-brother though soooo.....

ReView Geek Show was so fun I think Richard may have been arrested. I guess you CAN have too much fun!